I can’t believe we made it! Back to level 1 – 80-odd days of social distancing and isolating.
O new cases, O people with Covid-19.
It has been such a strange time.
On the lead up to Lockdown, I had had a really varied, interesting range of work going on - some stills photography, some work for the Dowse photographing their artwork, and the wedding of an old friend. The moment lockdown started, my job effectively ceased.
My poor partner was still pretty busy, so I was able to help him with some work; I nailed our tax return in the shortest time ever; and then settled in for ten or so weeks of family, sleep, apocolypse-style-gardening, reading, sewing, slow food, and daily walks around my neighbourhood.
Most of the photographs I took during this time have been taken on my iphone, but a few (to follow), are the things that revealed themselves to me during these daily walks.